Yesterday I traveled to the Strasbourg. From three routes offered on Google maps I chose the road that goes through the Saarbrücken thinking that this one be the best, but I was oh, so wrong. I got stuck in a traffic around and within Saarbrücken in both directions and going home at night was not fun.

The weather was typical foggy and rainy November day, with a bit of sun here and there in France. Luckily, I enjoy not only the photography but the driving too, so at the end I was happy anyway.

But I was not happy with all of the circumstances. The shooting space was really tiny and there wasn’t enough light, also there were no windows! Since this shoot is agreed and confirmed to be done without any strobes or flashes I had to force my ISO up to 4000 and even more. Not the best shooting condition in the world, but I’ve got it. The thing is, when you’re professional, you don’t get to complain about the light conditions. If the light conditions don’t exist (and they don’t on north-west Europe except on summer), well, you gotta create them.

And what’s next? Today I am going to Strasbourg again 🙂 This time, right to the heart of this beautiful city.

Strasbourg small business
Strasbourg small business