After a short break – just a tad over a month, but who’s counting? – I’m back to my travels and photo sessions. I’ve dusted off my camera (and my sense of adventure) and hit the road again, starting with a leisurely Saturday food shoot in the charming streets of Bruges.

On my way to Ghent

My next stop was Ghent. It was one of those “just before the rain” mornings, where the sky is gray, the air is crisp, and everything feels calm and slow. Honestly, I much prefer this over the 35-degree Celsius heatwave that August threw at us. Autumn, my dear, I’m so glad you’re on your way.

A Slow Walk Through Ghent with My Trusty Camera Phone

In Ghent, I was shooting a lovely little hair salon, but of course, I couldn’t resist snapping a few extra shots along the way. The cobbled streets, the old buildings, the way the clouds hovered above the water canals – it was all too beautiful to pass up. And you know what? I didn’t even reach for my big, fancy camera. Nope, I used my trusty mobile phone. Why? Because sometimes, the best camera phone for photography is the one you’ve got in your pocket.

What Is the Best Camera Phone for Photography?
Morning in Ghent, mobile phone snapshot edited in Photoshop: Nik Collection Silver Efex Pro 3

What Is the Best Camera Phone for Photography?

I’ve been seeing this question pop up everywhere lately. It seems like people are more concerned about finding the best camera phone for photography than they are about finding the best actual camera! And I get it – phones are convenient, always with you, and they’ve gotten really good at taking pictures.

But here’s the thing: I don’t think there’s a single “best” camera phone out there. I know, I know – that’s not the answer you were hoping for. But let me explain.

What Is the Best Camera Phone for Photography?
Morning in Ghent, mobile phone snapshot edited in Photoshop: Nik Collection Silver Efex Pro 3

It’s Not About the Tool, It’s About the Story

Photography is about capturing a moment, telling a story, and seeing the world through your unique lens. And guess what? Your phone, whether it’s the latest model or one from a few years back, is more than capable of doing that.

Sure, some specialty magazines will rave about the latest, most expensive phones. They’ll tell you about all the fancy features, the multiple lenses, the insane megapixel counts. But do you really need all that? I don’t think so. In fact, I took some stunning photos of my cats back in 2014 with a phone that was already a few years old at the time. When I sent them to a print agency, they couldn’t believe those photos came from a mobile phone. But they did, and those photos still look great today.

What Is the Best Camera Phone for Photography?
Morning in Ghent, mobile phone snapshot edited in Photoshop: Nik Collection Silver Efex Pro 3

The One You Can Afford Is the Best

So, what’s my advice? The best camera phone for photography is the one you can afford. It’s as simple as that. There’s no point in stretching your budget to buy the latest model when your current phone can still capture beautiful photos. If you’ve got a good eye and a bit of creativity, you can make any phone work for you.

Of course, if you’re in the market for a new phone and photography is important to you, then by all means, go for something with a good camera. But remember, you don’t have to break the bank. There are plenty of mid-range options out there with excellent cameras. And if your current phone is doing just fine, then stick with it!

What Is the Best Camera Phone for Photography?
Morning in Ghent, mobile phone snapshot edited in Photoshop: Nik Collection Silver Efex Pro 3

Tips for Taking Better Photos with Your Phone

Whether you’re using the latest iPhone, an older Samsung, or even a budget-friendly model, you can still take great photos. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your mobile photography:

  1. Clean Your Lens: This might seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget. A dirty lens can make your photos look blurry and dull. Just give it a quick wipe with a soft cloth before you start shooting.
  2. Find the Right Light: Good lighting is key to great photos. Natural light is usually the best, so try to shoot during the golden hours – just after sunrise or just before sunset. Avoid harsh midday sun, which can create unflattering shadows.
  3. Use the Gridlines: Most phones have an option to turn on gridlines. This helps you follow the rule of thirds, which is a simple way to make your photos more balanced and interesting.
  4. Get Close: Don’t be afraid to get up close to your subject. Whether it’s a flower, a plate of food, or your cat’s adorable face, getting closer can help you capture more detail and create a more intimate photo.
  5. Play with Angles: Don’t just shoot from eye level. Try different angles – get low, shoot from above, or tilt your phone to see how it changes the composition.
  6. Edit, But Don’t Overdo It: Editing apps can help you enhance your photos, but don’t go overboard. A little adjustment to brightness, contrast, and saturation can go a long way. But if you over-edit, your photos can end up looking unnatural (well, ok, sometimes “unnatural look” is also good, I have to admit).
What Is the Best Camera Phone for Photography?
Morning in Ghent, mobile phone snapshot edited in Photoshop: Nik Collection Silver Efex Pro 3

My Favorite Mobile Photography Moments

I’ve had some pretty great moments with my phone camera. There was that time in Bruges when I captured the perfect shot of a perfect pralines, the colors and textures just popping off the screen. Or that morning in Ghent, where the quiet streets and overcast sky made for some moody, atmospheric shots.

And let’s not forget the cats. My phone is full of cat photos – some are spontaneous, some are carefully staged (with the help of a few treats), but all of them are precious to me. It just goes to show that you don’t need a fancy camera to capture beautiful memories.

What Is the Best Camera Phone for Photography?
Morning in Ghent, mobile phone snapshot edited in Photoshop: Nik Collection Silver Efex Pro 3

Check Out My Mobile Photography E-books

If you’re interested in learning more about mobile photography, I’ve got a couple of e-books that might inspire you. “Capturing Moments in Monochrome” and “Mobile Flower Photography” are both packed with tips, tricks, and examples of how to make the most of your phone’s camera. You can find them on my website: Capturing Moments in Monochrome and Mobile Flower Photography.

The Best Camera Phone for Photography Is the One You Have

So, what’s the best camera phone for photography? It’s the one you have with you. It’s the one that’s always ready to capture a moment, the one that fits in your pocket, the one that you know how to use. It doesn’t have to be the latest model or the most expensive option – it just has to be yours.

So grab your phone, head outside, and start shooting. The world is full of beautiful moments just waiting to be captured, and you’ve got the perfect tool to do it.

Thanks for joining me on this little journey. I hope you’ve found some inspiration and maybe even a new perspective on mobile photography. Have a great week ahead, and don’t forget to check out my CatPrints by Bsilvia Shop or see what’s new in Graphics Illustrations. And hey, if you’re on Etsy, stop by my FiveCatsGraphics Shop too!

Happy shooting!